Healthy Snacks: Use those peckish in-between-meal times to top up with fruit, nuts, seeds and berries
Most diets recommend eating three meals a day to ensure the body’s ongoing functions are steadily supplied with energy and nutrients.
These are topped up by snacks between meals, which are the chances to earn a few nutritional bonus points: when fruit, nuts, seeds and natural yoghurt can work their magic.
So why not make your elevenses your fruitses? It’s long enough after breakfast and far enough to go until lunch.
And, unless you have been caning the caffeine or sneaking the biccies, you should hopefully avoid indigestion when hitting the fruit bowl.
Enjoy your apples, pears, oranges, clementines, tangerines, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, blueberries and any other berries you fancy. And, of course, don’t forget the figs!
Just keep it entirely a fruit fest. And allow at least 30 minutes for it to digest before eating anything else, to be on the safe side.
Otherwise, I have found an alternative snack of natural yoghurt, plus a few seeds or Brazil nuts, is a healthy boost and can soothe an acidic system.
Indigestion? Not for a long time!
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