The Lockdown Bellini

The lockdown Bellini: a little of what you fancy does you good. Just a little...

The lockdown Bellini: a little of what you fancy does you good. Just a little…

Writing an anti-ageing blog isn’t all about lauding seclusion in a Heligoland cloister, scout’s pace at dawn and eating rusks. A little of what you fancy does do you good – and that which makes you happy keeps you young. As ever, the key is moderation.

I’ve developed the “one in one out” rule when it comes to alcohol (and caffeine): for every drink I take, I also have a glass of water. I stay satiated, solvent and sober, and my complexion thanks me the next day.

It also means I savour my drinks. One of my favourites is the Bellini served at the beautiful Baur au Lac bar in Zurich. Peachy perfection.

We may be under lockdown but we still have supermarkets, tastebuds and virtual nights out. So, in the spirit of moderation meets imagination, here is the Lockdown Bellini, a recipe inspired by the signature cocktail at Baur’s Bar.

You need only a bottle of Prosecco and a tin of peaches in syrup (another type of tinned fruit would do but it wouldn’t be a Bellini). Put the bottle and the tin in the fridge along with two champagne coupes – for the full effect – or wine glasses. This keeps everything as cold as possible without adding ice and diluting the Bellini!

When cold, liquidise the peaches in their syrup, adding a little Prosecco to make the mixture more fluid (it should be the consistency of a thick juice not a puree). Take out the cold champagne glasses. Fill 2/3 of the glasses with Prosecco (it’s important to add this first so the mixture doesn’t froth too much) then fill up the final third with the liquidised peaches.

Then take your drinks, sit back, and imagine you are back in your favourite cocktail bar. Cheers! (NB don’t forget your glass of water…)

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